Publications JP
Kushida, Kenji E., Yuko Kasuya, Eiji Kawabata. "Information Governance in Japan: Towards a New Comparative Paradigm." SVNJ eBook series. (2016)
Kushida, Kenji E. “The Impact of Digital Technologies on Innovation Policy” in Research Handbook on Digital Transformations, edited by F. Xavier Olleros and Majlinda Zhegu. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016.
Kushida, Kenji E. "The Politics of Commoditization in Global ICT Industries: A Political Economy Explanation of the Rise of Apple, Google, and Industry Disruptors." Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade. (2015)
Kushida, Kenji E. "Public Private Interplay for Next Generation Access Networks: Lessons and Warnings from Japan's Broadband Success". Communications & Strategies, Vol. 91 (2013)
Kushida, Kenji E. "Entrepreneurship in Japan's ICT Sector: Opportunities and Protection from Japan's Telecommunications Regulatory Regime Shift." Social Science Japan Journal 15, no. 1 (2012): 3-30. Awarded Best SSJJ Paper of 2012.
Kushida, Kenji E. "Leading without Followers: How Politics and Market Dynamics Trapped Innovations in Japan's Domestic "Galapagos" Telecommunications Sector." Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 11, no. 3 (2011): 279-307.
Kushida, Kenji E. "Wireless Bound and Unbound: The Politics Shaping Cellular Markets in Japan and South Korea." Journal of Information Technology and Politics 5, no. 2 (2008): 231-54.
Kushida, Kenji E., and Masayuki Ogata. "When Innovators Are Not Implementors: The Political Economies of VoIP in the US and Japan." BRIE Working Paper, no. 180
Kushida, Kenji, and Seung-Youn Oh. "The Political Economies of Broadband in South Korea and Japan." Asian Survey 47, no. 3 (2007): 481-504.
Kushida, Kenji. "Japan's Telecommunications Regime Shift: Understanding Japan's Potential Resurgence ". How Revolutionary Was the Digital Revolution?: National Responses, Market Transitions, And Global Technology (A BRIE/ETLA Project) edited by Abraham Newman, and John Zysman. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2006.
Kushida, Kenji E., Jonathan Murray, John Zysman. "Cloud Computing: From Scarcity to Abundance." Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade (2015).
Kushida, Kenij E., Jonathan Murray, Patrick Scaglia, and John Zysman. The Next Epoch in Cloud Computing: Implications for Integrated Research and Innovation Strategy. BRIE Working Paper 2014-4. (2014)
Kushida, Kenji E., Jonathan Murray, and John Zysman. "The Gathering Storm: Analyzing the Cloud Computing Ecosystem and Implications for Public Policy." Communications and Strategies 85 (2012): 63-85.
Kushida, Kenji E., Jonathan Murray, and John Zysman. "Diffusing the Cloud: Cloud Computing and Public Policy." Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 11, no. 3 (2011): 209-37.
Kushida, Kenji, Dan Breznitz, and John Zysman. "Cutting through the Fog: Understanding the Competitive Dynamics in Cloud Computing." BRIE Working Paper 190 (2010).
Kushida, Kenji E. "The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster and the DPJ: Leadership, Structures, and Information Challenges During the Crisis" Japanese Political Economy 40,1 (2014).
Lipscy, Phillip Y., Kenji E. Kushida, Trevor Incerti. "The Fukushima Disaster and Japan's Nuclear Plant Vulnerability in Comparative Perspective." In, Environmental Science & Technology 47 (2013).
Kushida, Kenji E. "Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Narrative, Analysis, and Recommendations." In, Shorenstein APARC Working Paper Series no. June (2012).
Kushida, Kenji E. 2018. "Abenomics and Japan's Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Is the Third Arrow Pointed in the Right Direction for Global Competition in the Digital Era of Silicon Valley?" SVNJ Working Paper Series.
Kushida, Kenji E. "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Japan: Outsiders revitalizing Japanese large corporations." Chap 5. in ガラパゴス・クール (Japanese) edited by Yoichi Funabashi. Toyo Keizai Online, 2017.
Kushida, Kenji E. "Japan's Startup Ecosystem: From Brave New World to Part of Syncretic "New Japan"." Asian Research Policy 7, no. 1 (2016): 67-77.
Kushida, Kenji E., and Phillip Lipscy, eds. "Japan under the DPJ: The Politics of Transition and Governance". Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, 2013.
Kushida, Kenji E., and Kay Shimizu. "Syncretism: The Politics of Japan’s Financial Reforms." Socio-Economic Review 11, no. 2 (2013): 337-69.
Kushida, Kenji E., Kay Shimizu, and Jean Oi, eds. Syncretism: Corporate Restructuring and Political Reform in Japan. Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center. 2013.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction: Syncretism in Japan's Political Economy Since the 1990s
2. Overview: Japan's Political and Economic Transformations Since the 1990s
3. The Politics of Syncretism in Japan's Political Economy: Finance and Postal Reforms
8. Foreign Multinational Corporations and Japan's Evolving Syncretic Model of Capitalism
Kushida, Kenji E., and John Zysman. "Industrial Policy in a Global, Digital Age." Japan Spotlight, July/Aug 2013: 35-39.
Kushida, Kenji E. "Inside the Castle Gates: How Foreign Companies Navigate Japan's Policymaking Processes." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California Berkeley, 2010.
Kushida, Kenji E. 2018. "Artificial Intelligence: The Algorithmic Revolution Driving the Next Industrial Transformation." SVNJ Working Paper Series.
Kushida, Kenji E. "Blockchain, a Silicon Valley Vantage on its Potential and Challenges." in The Future of Blockchain: How it will impact finance, industry, and society (Japanese) edited by Yuri Okina, Noriyuki Yanagawa, and Naoyuki Iwashita. Tokyo, Japan: Nihon Keizai Shimbun Shuppan, 2017.
Kushida, Kenji E. The Impact of the Algorithmic Revolution from Silicon Valley: Fintech, IoT, Cloud Computing, AI...What's happening now in the US and what will happen in Japan (Japanese). Tokyo, Japan: Asahi Shimbun Press, 2016.
Zysman, John, Stuart Feldman, Kenji E. Kushida, Jonathan Murray, and Niels Christian Nielsen. "Services with Everything: The ICT-Enabled Digital Transformation of Services." Chap. 4 In The Third Globalization: Can Wealthy Nations Stay Rich in the Twenty-First Century? edited by Dan Breznitz and John Zysman. 99-129. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2013.
John Zysman, Stuart Feldman, Jonathan Murray, Niels Christian Nielsen, Kenji Kushida. Innovations in Public Governance - Volume 15 Innovation and the Public Sector edited by A.-V. Anttiroiko, Bailey, S. & Valkama, P. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2011.
John Zysman, Stuart Feldman, Jonathan Murray, Niels Christian Nielsen, Kenji E. Kushida. "The Digital Transformation of Services: From Economic Sinkhole to Productivity Driver." BRIE Working Paper 187 (2010).
Kushida, Kenji E., and John Zysman. "The Services Transformation and Network Policy: The New Logic of Value Creation." Review of Policy Research 26, no. 1-2 (2009): 173-94.
Kushida, Kenji E., and John Zysman. "Japan Transformed: Political Change and Economic Restructuring. By Frances Mccall Rosenbluth and Michael F. Thies. Political Economy of Japan: Growth, Challenges, and Prospects for a Well-Being Nation. By Toshihiko Hayashi. ." Pacific Affairs 85, no. 2 (2012): 403-06.